What is 5s, which are those 5s

What is 5s?

5S is a system for creating a space so that work can be performed efficiently, effectively, and safely. In this system, we focus on putting everything where it actually belongs and keeping the workplace clean, which makes it easier for people to do their jobs without wasting time or risking injury.

( 5s ye five steps hai jo follow karnese ham camera Kam Karne ka Tarika Badal sakte hai, Auar ham 5S implement krke follow Karte hai to ham Kam karneki productivity badha sakte hai, time bacha sakte hai, easiness banasakte hai, safety badha sakte hai...)

Benefits of 5S

  • Reduced costs
  • Higher quality
  • Increased productivity
  • Greater employee satisfaction
  • A safer work environment.                                                            
  • Reduce losses

Which are those 5s Japanese (English)?
  • Seiri (Sort) Sagrigate
  • Seiton (Set in Order) Arrange
  • Seiso (Shine) Clean
  • Seiketsu (Standardize) Proper labeling and all
  • Shitsuke (Sustain) Maintain all 5S ok.  

Seiri Sort):-

Sorting involves going through all the tools, furniture, materials, equipment, etc. in a work area to determine what needs to be present and what can be removed. A workspace might be better off without unnecessary items or items used infrequently. These things can get in the way or take up space. Consider some options for this.
  • Give the items to a different department
  • Recycle/throw away/sell the items
  • Put items into storage
Seiton (Set in Order):- 

Once the non-necessary item removed then it's easier to see what's remain. Now workgroups can come up with their own strategies for sorting through the remaining items. Things to consider:
  • Which people (or workstations) use which items?
  • When are the items used?
  • Which items are used most frequently?
  • Should items be grouped by type?
  • Where would it be most logical to place items?
    • Would some placements be more ergonomic for workers than others?
    • Would some placements cut down on unnecessary motion?
  • Are more storage containers necessary to keep things organized?

Seiso (Shine):-

The Shine stage of 5S focuses on cleaning up the work area, which means sweeping, mopping, dusting, wiping down surfaces, putting tools and materials away, etc. In addition to basic cleaning, Shine also involves performing regular maintenance on equipment and machinery. Planning for maintenance ahead of time means businesses can catch problems and prevent breakdowns. That means less wasted time and no loss of profits related to work stoppages.
Seiketsu (Standardize):-

Standardize makes 5S different from the typical spring-cleaning project. Standardize systematizes everything that just happened and turns one-time efforts into habits. Standardize assigns regular tasks, creates schedules, and posts instructions so these activities become routines. It makes the standard operating procedures for 5S so that orderliness doesn't fall by the wayside.

Shitsuke (Sustain):-

Once the first three steps of 5S are completed, things should look pretty good. All the extra stuff is gone, everything is organized, spaces are cleaned, and equipment is in good working order.
Once standard procedures for 5S are in place, businesses must perform the ongoing work of maintaining those procedures and updating them as necessary. Sustain refers to the process of keeping 5S running smoothly, but also of keeping everyone in the organization involved And when 5S is sustained over time, that's when businesses will start to notice continuous positive results.

 Thank you


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