
Showing posts from 2020

What is projection welding

Reports to be maintained in Quality, production and maintenance department.

What is MSA

What is SPC

What is FMEA and PFMEA

What is control plan

What is APQP

What is PPAP

Complete process from raw material inward to sale of finished product

What is TPM

MOM meeting

Minutes Of Meeting Customer, tire 1 company, tire 2 company, tire 3 company and so on this is a chain which complete vendor to customer loop. At every stage, everybody is working for good products with good quality and if the quality is not maintained then it may cause the failure of a product in the field. Also, business growth depends on product quality as well. To avoid this, all companies are focusing on quality, Every customer company is treating their vendor company as a real buyer, and if they found defects or low-quality products they raise debits to the vendor. Before raising debite they give 1-2 chances to improve to the vendor by arranging a meet called Minutes of meeting (MOM) and discussing all his requirements and take promises of not repeat it again. In MOM meet their whole discussion is recorded over a sign format. That sign format is treated as proof of warning to never repeat in the future. In short Minutes of meeting is meet to attend customer complaint.

MRM meeting

Morning Review Meeting  (MRM  ) In any company or organization, there must be a primary requirement that all work should get carried out correctly, without any loss and failure. And we all employees differ from each other in all ways so it's impossible for us to do everything correctly, few of us need proper guidance before doing works correctly. It might be bringing up raw materials, carrying out the processing, carrying out an inspection,  delivering a product to the customer, all these activities and it's sub-activities to be done correctly and it needs we all employees to be perfect. And the only way to get every employee to be correct is to take guidance and suggestions from all experience people. The morning review meeting is the time where we discuss what to be done and how to be done and the day before results. This all goes on a daily basis so that everything should go smoothly. The morning review meeting is nothing but gatherings where everyone from each ...

IPO (Input-process-output ) making

IPO IPO stands for input process and output. We all know the core three steps in the process of manufacture anything. The first step is to provide material then carrying out process over it and the third is to get finished product. In IPO making these three steps consider. In each of this step, there is vast information regarding what are its specifications, what are its material composition, what are its critical parameters, machine specifications it required, what instruments it required for carrying out a complete successful inspection, its control plane, it's before after pictures, its aesthetic observations, all these topics gets covered. We will see all in deep one by one. INPUT:-  In input feed of IPO, we explain all information regarding what we provide for carrying our processing. Like raw materials information about its size, quality, grade, weight, it's control plan, machinery use if it's semifinished materials, it's operations and machinery setups p...

Gap analysis process and shunting analysis process

GAP ANALYSIS AND SHUNTING ANALYSIS Gap analysis:-  when there is a process of joining two parts either by welding or any other medium there should not be a gap in between two metal near joinery area after joining. If there is a gap that appears after welding or sporting or any other way it may cause the failure of that part or body in the field. Also, gets get rejected by an aesthetic point of view. So In the gap analysis study, we use to plan first about how we should go trace gaps in parts and find out the root cause for that gaps. After making planning from where we went start with our team we have to prepare a proper format for various fixtures, stations, robots ( ITG Gun in case of manual ), and various subparts of the big assembly. After making formate we have to physically visit station to station with our team to find out gaps and how it's gone create. After discussing with the team take corrective preventive action so that we can extract gaps from parts to make it b...