MRM meeting
Morning Review Meeting (MRM )
In any company or organization, there must be a primary requirement that all work should get carried out correctly, without any loss and failure. And we all employees differ from each other in all ways so it's impossible for us to do everything correctly, few of us need proper guidance before doing works correctly. It might be bringing up raw materials, carrying out the processing, carrying out an inspection, delivering a product to the customer, all these activities and it's sub-activities to be done correctly and it needs we all employees to be perfect. And the only way to get every employee to be correct is to take guidance and suggestions from all experience people. The morning review meeting is the time where we discuss what to be done and how to be done and the day before results. This all goes on a daily basis so that everything should go smoothly. The morning review meeting is nothing but gatherings where everyone from each department or sometimes someone from each department should present at the decided meeting place for carrying out discussion and decisions of work. Plant heads, and management some times join meetings whenever they want to but managers and employees after them have to present in the meeting if they are present at work.
In the morning meeting, everybody comes with their diary so that they can note down everything related to them and do it correctly latter.
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