Instruments use in manufacturing

  • Quality control instruments mostly use in autoancillary manufacturing (sheet metal industries).
There where production is carried out there is a need for quality as well. Quality is nothing but the process of differentiating ok and not ok parts from production produced. For carrying out that segregating process we must need some instruments which are specially designed for their specific parameter. The instruments are as below.                     

  1. Vernier caliper
  2. Height gauge
  3. Dial gauge
  4. Thread gauge
  5. Filler gauge 
  6. Measuring tape
  7. V block
  8. Torque wrench
  9. Bevel protector
  10. Angle plate
  11. Surface plate
  12. Radius gauge
  13. UTM machine for load test
  14. Nugget test
  15. Relation gauge.
  16. Micrometer
  17. Snap. Gauge
  18. Plug gauge
  19. Plane ring gauge
  20. Brinell. Hardness testing machine


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